Photo of the Day

by Mary on 11/28/2010 · 0 comments

in Photo of the Day

So, now that I have a good portion of my photo collection digital, I’m going to try to post a photo each day.

For today –

I was given a Desert tortoise when I was around 6. That guy didn’t last long, but my family bought another that lived till I was in college, and then made a run for the great outdoors. The enclosure was made by my grandfather, including the little concrete shelter (my grandfather could’ve made a car out of nothing but concrete if necessary). He ate primarily romaine with other veggies and fruits as we had them. He really loved strawberries. He also ate the most spiny cactus that we put in the cage as decoration. We called the tortoise Yertle, even though he wasn’t a turtle, but he never came when we called!!

By the time that Yertle made the run for the great outdoors, it was illegal to obtain new desert tortoises as pets, so that ended our reptile pet experiment.

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